Bridging gaps. Creating connections. Supporting Autism, Special Needs, and the Voiceless.

No Greater Love exists to give love, light and life to families touched by multiple diagnoses.

Who Are We?

Our History

No Greater Love’s story is inspired by that of a sunflower’s life. The founder, Delasber Sanders, always loved sunflowers and was delighted to find out that sunflowers share energy. You see, when one sunflower starts to droop, the other sunflowers turn toward it and it rebuilds itself so that it can once again look at the sun. As a parent of a special needs kid, she saw other parents struggling to vocalize their agonies and the challenges they faced. Delasber wanted to be a sunflower for those parents who felt like they were drowning amidst the trials of life with their special needs babies. Thus, No Greater Love, Inc was born.

Our Mission

To inspire and create soul connections between special needs kids, their parents, and a community that supports them. Like the sunflower that supports each other at their weakest, No Greater Love, Inc will be a voice and a sunflower for parents and their special needs babies.

Sunflowers share light and love with each other to help each other survive. Sunflowers support each other in their weakest moments.

Delasber has used her voice to advocate for her daughter and intends for No Greater Love to be a sunflower for those parents and their children to the world.

Soul Connection Communities

Summer Soul Connection Celebration

August 1, 2021, 5:00 PM CST






No Greater Love: 21 Days of Resiliency

$21.00 ($0.00 shipping)

No Greater Love: Parenting Through Multiple Diagnoses

My first book about my daughter’s life. This gave me strength to write and I pray that you will find strength while reading it.

Please purchase the true survival book:

No Greater Love: Parenting Through Multiple Diagnoses

Your support and contributions will enable us to meet our goals and improve conditions. Purchasing this book will help fund our mission.

This book was written to give hope to parents who feel there is no hope. Will you help continue to spread that hope?

$20.00 ($0.00 shipping)


Holding my daughter’s hand as we navigate this journey

My hand in my daughter’s hand as she fights for her life in Pediatric ICU

Don't believe me; just watch!!!

Book Testimonials

This book took me on a journey for which I am deeply grateful. As the mother of two adult (non-special needs) children, I never realized the intensity of the struggles parents with special needs children go through. The author of this book gives brutally honest, personal, and painful accounts of her life as an adopted child, of her struggles with wanting to be loved and longing to feel she fit in with her family. She then goes from her childhod to her life as the mother of a special needs child with equally brutal honesty, all while chronicling the many crises she and her husband faced, both with their child almost dying more than once, and the natural disasters that Mother Nature smacked them down with. Yet she does so in such a beautiful way that it had me in tears more than once while reading it. Her strength, her faith in God, and her love for her child all shine through in her words. She is the epitome of faith, love and strength, and, I believe, an inspiration to anyone who is going through the struggles of being the mother of a special needs child.


I absolutely enjoyed reading about the journey of a mother’s love through the multi-challenges of having a child with exceptional needs. As a mom of a child with autism, I felt so connected and learned that I am not alone in the process! Excellent read!

Dr. Alisha Griffith

This is an inspirational book of God’s grace and love that has guided this family through many difficult days. For those of you who have children with medical diagnosis it will give you hope, for those of us who help children with diagnosis, this book can help make us more understanding to these families. It is a short, quick read so even if your time is limited this is a wonderful book!

Mary B

Special Education Educator

This book will generally help anyone who is struggling in their fight to advocate for their differently abled child(ren). I literally read this book in one sitting. At the turn of each page, I felt as if I was right there on the journey with them. Although frustrating at times, this book shows that if you keep trusting God, then he will make sense of everything that you face in due time. This is a must read!!!

Yo'Landa W

Special Education Educator

The author’s story is filled with honesty, compassion, pain, and love; it is a true testament of the human experience, as well as how our childhood shapes us into the adults we become. It is a must read for parents who have, and are, raising a child with a disability.
I also highly recommend this book for parents who want to understand the challenges of raising a child with a disability, in order to develop the compassion necessary to be supportive to moms who are raising a child with a disability.

Stacy Badon

CEO, Everything 4 Autism

Healing can only take place when the truth is revealed. Thank you for being transparent. It has inspired me to tell my truth!!!!


 Support  Testimonials


I would like to thank you for your generosity and express my gratitude for the financial support No Greater Love showed by granting me funds so my grandson Ayden and I could stay at a hotel.

While attending an Early Headstart Program Ayden, was diagnosed with Autism Spectrum
Disorder (ASD). This diagnosis makes any changes in routines hard for Ayden. As you know,
children with (ASD) like routines; they need things to be the same. In anticipation of our move,
Ayden and I looked at the hotel online, and we talked about the fact we would be leaving the
home he has known since birth and moving to a hotel for a short period before we move to
permanent housing. 

Your generous donation has allowed Ayden to have some stability as we transition to permanent
housing. When we arrived at the hotel, I booked a room with two beds. I allowed Ayden to
choose his bed. That made him comfortable. He also decided that he wanted to use the dresser
drawers to put his clothes up. He put his toothbrush up, and he was able to place his towel in the
bathroom. While these would seem like small things, for Ayden they are significant

Moreover, without your generous donation, we would not have been able to afford to stay at a
hotel with amenities that made our transition easier. I am forever grateful for your financial assistance, and words can never express what your financial support meant to Ayden.

V. F. Plez

 Paint Party Testimonials

I don’t like painting but, this was alot of fun. Thank you so much for doing this for us. I will be paying for another child to do this at the next party. 

Stacy Badon

Autism Specialist, Everything4Autism

My daughter and I had so much fun. Thank you for inviting me to join and allowing my daughter to participate, as well.  I believe she enjoyed painting with Mommy.

Jan Brown

Teacher and Parent

Thank you so very much for giving me an outlet to spend time with other adults. I truly enjoyed myself.  My son was so excited to paint and to show you all what he was doing. You all made him feel like this paint party was for him and he was going to be the star of the show. Thank you so much! We can’t wait to do it again. 

Sonya Wilson



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A nonprofit is as strong as the community that holds it up. Together, we can do more than we can do alone. Let’s bring our abilities and passions together to affect real change.

There are many ways to join us and support our mission. Contact us to find out more about volunteer opportunities, fundraising events, and ways that you can get our message to your friends and family.